What Does Team Freedom Outreach Do?
Team Freedom Outreach does recreation and one on one visitation at youth detention centers in the metro Atlanta area. TEAM FREEDOM OUTREACH is made up of two components: Recreation & Visitation
Recreation involves a group of men, typically a team of 6 volunteers, going to local youth detention centers two Saturdays a month to do recreation with the kids in the facilities. The kids ages can range from 9 to 17. A unit at the youth detention center can range from a maximum of 25 boys.
The men meet at the facility and set up to play some type of team sport. The 6 volunteers consist of 2 referees and 4 team captains. Once the boys arrive in the recreation area, the volunteers introduce themselves and gather the boys for a group prayer. Then the boys are divided into teams to play. Some of the games we have played include but or not limited to:
Non Contact Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, Freesbie, Wiffle Ball
Visitation & Mentoring
Volunteers can also meet kids during their visitation time to talk with them one on one. Some kids get very few visits. TEAM FREEDOM OUTREACH encourages volunteers take the time to visit and mentor kids during their time of incarceration.